How to pay your pending payment?

Step 1

Access and fill your username and password.

Step 2

After successful login the system redirects you to your accounts page and if there is pending transaction there will be a popup windows to pay the pending payment as shown below and click on pay now button.

Remark: If the popup window is not visible, don’t worry login to your website admin dashboard and after login at the left side dashboard click on @ account and in the invoices widget click Pay Now as shown below screenshot.

Step 3

After step 2, you will redirect to invoice/transaction details and review it and click on Finish payment as shown the screenshot image below.

Step 4

Fill billing details and choose your appropriate payment method and place order.

Step 5

Finally, you will redirect to payment gateway if you choose Santimpay option or place an order with bank transfer. For this post we used Santimpay payment gateway, and you will redirect to the payment gateway as shown below.

By choose your appropriate payment option and click the icons i.e. Telebirr, CBE Birr or others, then the selected gateway like Telebirr sent a request for your payment approval and finally your payment is done and subscription extended based on your package. If you choose manual bank transfer then, the system admin will review the payment based on the invoice you sent through our telegram or by call confirmation and approve after bank transfer is done.

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